Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How global warming works?

Global warming was once an uncommon term used by a few scientists who were growing

concerned over the effects of decades of pollution on long-term weather patterns. Today, the idea of global warming is well known, if not well understood. It is not unusual to hear someone complaining about a hot day or a freak storm and remark, "It's global warming."
Well, is it? In this article, we'll learn what global warming is, what causes it, what its current effects are and what the future effects could be. Although there has been a scientific consensus on global warming, some aren't sure it's something we need to worry about. We'll examine some proposed changes in the United States' national policies related to curbing global warming and the criticisms and concerns surrounding them.
Global warming is a significant increase in the Earth's climatic temperature over a relatively short period of time as a result of the activities of humans.
­­ In specific terms, an increase of 1 or more degrees Celsius in a period of one hundred to two hundred years would be considered global warming. Over the course of a single century, an increase of even 0.4 degrees Celsius would be significant.


Desert Fox89 said...

Abdul Salam: very interesting blog about the causes of gobal warming - do they also talk about the solutions?? That's what I would be most interested in finding out more on. Good start, and keep up the good work!
the Fox

27 said...

what a nice blog and very interesting information that you povide us with <<

good luck man

keep it up

Salem Al Mansouri said...

hi abdulsalam

it's ana interesting post

keep going

and good luck

Desert Fox89 said...

Abdul Salam:

Looks good, now add the Truth summary/ review both parts, and you need to work on your 'Carbon Footprint', maybe another post.

See you in class to finish your reading summary.

the Fox

Desert Fox89 said...

Mohamed Ahmed:

Very interesting, but where's the Incon. Truth blog summary and review?- what about YOUR opinion of the moview??!I'd like to hear what you have to say...
You now have to do the carbon footprint blog- plus we start the Cool Cities part on Tuesday- lots to do in 2 weeks!

the Fox

Desert Fox89 said...

Abdul Salem:

Where's your Inconveniant truth summary and video?? This needs to be done before the next blogpost!

Then, start the next carbon footprint assignment, as in my blogspot, because you're behind!

You are doing well, and seem to be understanding what we're aiming for in this project. Three more posts! Hurry up!

the Fox

Desert Fox89 said...

Your blog post looks good, what about 'Truth' summary/ review- what about the guidelines and description of different possibilities for green cooling?

You need to write 'Carbon footprint' plus Cool cities - adaptations Now! and then work on other points. We'll talk in class.

the Fox