Wednesday, June 11, 2008

" Carbon footprint "

A carbon footprint is a "measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide". I calculated my carbon footprint rate in a online carbon footprint calculater calculater and I got 2.0 which is not bad rate actually according to the other guys rates, maybe because I don’t have a car, but also I have to reduce it to less than 2, so that I will contribute more in reducing the world temperature. Now I will write about the thing that increase my carbon footprint rate and I will mention the possible solutions also.

First, I think my main problem that will increase my carbon footprint is smoking. I smoke lot of cigarettes everyday, about two packets (40 cigarettes) daily, which is a very big amount of carbon dioxide and polution. Another thing is that I use many electric devices, like laptops , personal home computers, mp3 player, mobile phones,
Televisions, DVD player and many other items that consumes a lot of electricity which is contirbut in one way or anoher in increasing my carbon footprint rate.

There are some workable solutions to reduce my carbon footprint rate. First solution is reducing my amount of cigarettes that I smoke everyday by finding an alternative of cigarettes like playing exercises or chewing Nicotine gum which will reduce the desire of cigarettes and helping me to quit smoking in short notice. Anoter solution is reducing the amount of electric devices that I use everyday. For example watching television on the internet instead of opening the TV in same time you opening the laptop. Also I can listning to music in my mobile phone instead of using MP3 player.This solution will help to quit using items that I don’t need it very much.

To conclude, there possible solutions to my carbon foot print problem That I have as soon as possible to reduce my carbon footprint rate and the world temperature, so we can live in a cool and peaceful world.

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