Thursday, June 12, 2008

"My voice thread"

Hi every bodi ,

this is my voice thread about the solar energy and I hope you like it ^_^

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"PV systems ـــ My own focus "

PV system or Photovoltaics is a technology that converts lights directly into electricity. Photovoltaics is the best way to generate solar energy by using solar cells. The wonderful thing about PV system is that it don't cause emissions from carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases, so it is very safe for the environment and helps a lot in reducing the emsissions that coming from carbon dioxide, and that all will contribute in reducing the world temperature.Moreover PV system is used in many applications all over the world like vehicles, mobile phones, irrigation, calculators and watches.

I think this system is very useful and safe, also it will be a new way to claen the environment form the carbon dioxide emissions and save the world from a big problem in the future. I hope our country will apply this system soon in order to live a healthy and safe life.

Review of "An Inconvenient Truth"

I think the movie was very interesting and I found it very useful for me. The presenter Al Gore present the ideas in a very logical way for the audience, due to that we find it easy to follow and understand. Also, the movie showed us a realty part of our life which is the global warming problem and how to face it. Also Al Gore mentioned many possible solution for us to apply it in reality and contribute in reducing the world temperature, so people play a big role in this problem and they are the only one who can solve it.

"Abu Dhabi : Masdar city"

Abu Dhabi Madar city is a city that under building now in Abu Dhabi (United Arab emirates) . The city is Designed by a British engineer, the city will depend on solar energy and other renewable energy sources, with a continous, zero carbon, zero waste ecology. The project started at April 2006 and cost about 22 billion US $, the city will take 8 years to build. Moreover the city will cover 6 kilometers and contain around 50000 people.

One feature is that Masdar city will be the first city that have zero carbon emissions. Also the city is bulid in the north away from the direct sunlight, so people don't have to use air conditioners very much, because it will less hot in the city.Another target for the city is to stop using cars as a transportation device, so designers cearted a special vehicles to cary passingers from place to place inside the city, these vehicles contain 6 passengers and work by solar energy instead of petrol. Last important goal from the city is that 80% of the water will recycle again by using special irrigation system.

In brief, Abu Dhabi Masdar city is like drea comes true for people who want to live in a healthy enviroment, we that city will finish soon and thw cost of liveng thier is afordable for majority of the people in Abu Dhabi.

"Cool Cities ــ comments"

Cool cities is a term that used to describe cities that are clean and have a healthy environment for people to live. Many government are moving now to apply a new
Solutions and ways to make their cities cool and clean. I will write some good and bad adaptations for my city (Abu Dhabi).

Abu Dhabi government now are thinking to build a trains network like the one in Dubai, that will be a good step to reduce pollution, because these trains are using electricity instead of petrol which is very good for the environment, also many will take the trains instead of taxis , so the number of cars will be reduced and that means
Less carbon dioxide and pollution. Another good adaptation is planting trees every where around the city and we all know that trees absorb carbon dioxide and gives
Oxygen instead, so that means more healthy and fresh air.

One of the bad adaptations is that many people in the UAE using big ( 4 wheel ) and fast cars, these cars consume a lot of petrol that the other cars and that will be more harmfull to te environment. Another thing is that the more demand for water to supply the plant and other thing in the city, and that maybe will cost a lot of many and water shotage in the city.
In summary, there are many good points to consider in order to have a cool city, but also people play the major role than the government in cooling by changing many bad habits in their life style.

" Carbon footprint "

A carbon footprint is a "measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide". I calculated my carbon footprint rate in a online carbon footprint calculater calculater and I got 2.0 which is not bad rate actually according to the other guys rates, maybe because I don’t have a car, but also I have to reduce it to less than 2, so that I will contribute more in reducing the world temperature. Now I will write about the thing that increase my carbon footprint rate and I will mention the possible solutions also.

First, I think my main problem that will increase my carbon footprint is smoking. I smoke lot of cigarettes everyday, about two packets (40 cigarettes) daily, which is a very big amount of carbon dioxide and polution. Another thing is that I use many electric devices, like laptops , personal home computers, mp3 player, mobile phones,
Televisions, DVD player and many other items that consumes a lot of electricity which is contirbut in one way or anoher in increasing my carbon footprint rate.

There are some workable solutions to reduce my carbon footprint rate. First solution is reducing my amount of cigarettes that I smoke everyday by finding an alternative of cigarettes like playing exercises or chewing Nicotine gum which will reduce the desire of cigarettes and helping me to quit smoking in short notice. Anoter solution is reducing the amount of electric devices that I use everyday. For example watching television on the internet instead of opening the TV in same time you opening the laptop. Also I can listning to music in my mobile phone instead of using MP3 player.This solution will help to quit using items that I don’t need it very much.

To conclude, there possible solutions to my carbon foot print problem That I have as soon as possible to reduce my carbon footprint rate and the world temperature, so we can live in a cool and peaceful world.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

'' An Inconvenient Truth "

An inconvenient truth is a documentary movie that presented by the former US vice president, which talks about the global warming crises. Actually the movie was very interesting, because it discuss a very important issue nowadays and to aware people
To be an effective part in this problem. Al Gore presents in this movie an evidence
And proves that shows the dramatic increase in world temperatures for the last century.Also he mentioned a lot of examples about countries that suffers from natural disasters as a result of global warming. Also, he mentionrd somethings about his personal lifes, like his son accedent and how those curcum stances changed his life forever.

Finally, Al gore mentioned some solutions that may help reducing the glabal warming rate and save the world from a real problem.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How global warming works?

Global warming was once an uncommon term used by a few scientists who were growing

concerned over the effects of decades of pollution on long-term weather patterns. Today, the idea of global warming is well known, if not well understood. It is not unusual to hear someone complaining about a hot day or a freak storm and remark, "It's global warming."
Well, is it? In this article, we'll learn what global warming is, what causes it, what its current effects are and what the future effects could be. Although there has been a scientific consensus on global warming, some aren't sure it's something we need to worry about. We'll examine some proposed changes in the United States' national policies related to curbing global warming and the criticisms and concerns surrounding them.
Global warming is a significant increase in the Earth's climatic temperature over a relatively short period of time as a result of the activities of humans.
­­ In specific terms, an increase of 1 or more degrees Celsius in a period of one hundred to two hundred years would be considered global warming. Over the course of a single century, an increase of even 0.4 degrees Celsius would be significant.

The Discovery of Global Warming, the book

The Discovery of Global Warming, the book, is a compact 200-page summary of what I learned from my research for this Website, woven into a single narrative. It begins as a sort of detective story, describing how a few scientists got obsessed with the mysteries of climate change. By the end it has become an epic tale where entire governments, national publics, and communities of scientists press upon one another. You can order The Discovery of Global Warming from Harvard University Press or (also available in translations.)

What do reviewers say about the book?
"...provides a balanced historical overview of the science of climate change, clearly earning a place as a key work for anyone interested in the topic... The story presented is easy and enjoyable to read; Weart puts a human face on the science without descending into journalistic cliché."
"...In some places the book does indeed read almost like an elaborate mystery story, with all the attendant false clues and twists of plot.... Weart's approach... gives just the kind of treatment that places the history of ideas in the context they demand."(2)
"Weart's style is fluid, his narrative is anecdotal yet informative, and his coverage is succint yet comprehensive... while The Discovery of Global Warming is written at a popular level, it is certain to become one of the few items of required reading for scholars and researchers in the field."(3)
Okay, but that's only the favorable reviews, right?
Actually, those quotes are extracted from the least favorable reviews. I'll say a few words about these reviewers' criticisms below. Other reviewers have been more favorable. USA Today says "This short, well-written book... adds a serious voice to the overheated debate about global warming and would serve as a great starting point for anyone who wants to better understand the issue."
(4) The reviewer for Nature calls The Discovery of Global Warming "a terrific book... balanced historically, beautifully written and, not least important, short and to the point."(5) Nearly all reviewers for give the book four or five stars out of five: "Great balanced survey of the history of climate science;" "Recommended to anyone with any interest in the issue;" "Beautifully written, clear discussion of science and history," etc. USA Today and Discovery magazine listed it as one of the top science books of the year, and Scientific American made it an "Editors Recommend" selection.(6) Other review excerpts here.
You can order The Discovery of Global Warming from
Harvard University Press or

What causes global warming?

Carbon dioxide and other air pollution that is collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up. Coal-burning power plants are the largest U.S. source of carbon dioxide pollution -- they produce 2.5 billion tons every year. Automobiles, the second largest source, create nearly 1.5 billion tons of CO2 annually.Here's the good news: technologies exist today to make cars that run cleaner and burn less gas, modernize power plants and generate electricity from nonpolluting sources, and cut our electricity use through energy efficiency. The challenge is to be sure these solutions are put to use.